So, where did we get to. Oh yes, on to day 24.

Day 24: Hacked Kelly skirt (Megan Nielsen) in chambray, plus black Lark tee
Day 25: Hacked Grainline Archer shirt dress in viscose
Day 26: Megan Nielsen Eucalypt Tank in viscose with chambray True Bias Emerson pants.

Day 27: Double gauze Emmeline Tee
Day 28: Lark tee with "refashioned" (i.e. too long hem chopped off) jeans.
Day 29: Stockholm blouse

Day 30: Scout tee in Atelier Brunette cotton, with Linden sweatshirt. Double Grainline.
Day 31: Eucalypt tank in viscose, with Named Alexandria pants in polyester.
And that's a wrap.
Thoughts: lots and lots of repeats, which got a bit boring, but on the whole I was happy with the month. I know that I wear what I sew, but it's always nice to get confirmation. I don't aim to sew everything, so I'm always cautious to identify holes in my me-made wardrobe, for the sake of one month a year, when those holes are happily filled with RTW the other 11 months, but it would be nice to have more handmade outfits. So, more bottoms, especially trousers and jeans. I think I also need a few more short sleeved tees, handmade or bought, as I don't seem to have many of those at all. What did I wear last summer?
In terms of MMM inspiration, I am left wondering why I have never made any Inari tees, when I've made the dress twice. I am also a bit obsessed with the Ogden cami, which I previously had zero inclination towards. The power of instagram!
Anyway, with the kitchen nearly done, I have my next few projects lined up. I have just muslined a dress for a wedding at the start of July, and I also am hoping to have time to make a pair of Emerson shorts, and possibly an Ogden or 2 before we go (the wedding and our holiday are in Turkey)... Unlikely, but we will see.
Did you take part in Me Made May this year? How did you find it?