Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Me Made May Pt 2

It feels a bit trite posting about clothes, given what happened in Manchester last night, but if life doesn't go on, they win. We have to carry on. I'm not sure what else to say on the matter really, other than my heart goes out to everyone in Manchester, directly impacted or not.

And so onto the trite clothes. *Weak smile*.

Day 10: Atelier Scammit Stockholm blouse again with chambray True Bias Emerson pants.

Day 11: Katy & Laney Geometry top in Cotton + Steel rayon

Day 12: Grainline Lark tee, hacked to have a stepped hem. Also Small Boy wore his Oliver & S shorts in Made by Rae baby cord, plus his Book Day shark hoodie (refashioned from a RTW hoodie).

Day 13: Named Sloane sweatshirt in Atelier Brunette sweatshirting fabric.

Day 14: Megan Nielsen Eucalypt tank in C+S rayon

Day 15: Tessutti Brigitte tee

Day 16: Little Tailoress Emmeline tee in double gauze, plus Grainline Moss mini

Day 17: Grainline Lark tee

Day 18: Grainline Scout tee in Atelier Brunette cotton

Day 19: Stockholm blouse again

Day 20: another Grainline Lark tee, plus in the evening I wore my I Am Patterns Aphrodite dress to a wedding reception

Day 21: Emerson pants again.

Day 22: Schnittchen Tanja dress in ponte

Day 23: Another Emmeline tee, this time in Liberty Tana crepe

Thoughts: I wrote on Instagram on Saturday that I feel this has been a rather dull Me Made May for me. I feel like I'm wearing the same things over and over, and there isn't much in the way of excitement, or fashion directionality. But I recognise in myself a need to get comfy and cosy and to be invisible (sartorially) from time to time. Usually when I am stressed, anxious, mega busy or all 3. And I've been all 3 with regularity this month due to everything else that's been going on. There are loads of handmade garments I haven't worn this month, because I haven't felt like it. And that's OK. What I will say though is that I have enjoyed what I have worn, and it's nice to know that I am making the things I want to wear, regardless of situation or mood. That's a win.


Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Me Made May


Gosh. I've forgotten how to go about writing the opening for a blog post!! Well, we have a fair amount of stuff going on at the moment. We are extending and replacing our kitchen, and are 8 weeks into a 10 week build. We have kitchen stuff piled up all over the house and every surface is covered in dust. Last week we had no hot water, no central heating and no washing machine for 5 days. It's exhausting and I am getting really fed up now, but the builders will finish in the next couple of weeks. I have no idea when the new kitchen will be installed, but at present it might not be until the end of June. Sad face. Oh! And Baby Boy has chicken pox, and he turned 3. And he left the interior light on in my car, meaning I had to get a new car battery...

So, anyway: Me Made May! Yes I am doing it. I never wrote my pledge at the start of the month, but I am joining in. Given all of the above, I am keeping it simple: I am wearing a me made item every day, and proving it with a selfie. That's it, nothing more. You'll have noticed I'm also not doing my usual weekly round ups on here. Again time and inclination, however I thought I'd try to do a couple of roundups through the month, so here is the first.

Day 1
Colette Laurel Blouse in Liberty Tana Lawn, plus Grainline Moss Mini skirt in cotton from Ikea.

Day 2
Atelier Scammit Stockholm Blouse in cotton gingham

Day 3
Named Inari Dress in denim

Day 4
Grainline Linden sweat in self-quilted sweatshirting, over a stepped hem long sleeve stripy Grainline Lark tee, which you can't see.

Day 5
Grainline Linden sweat, stencilled with an ampersand, over a plain black short sleeve Grainline Lark tee.

Day 6
Little Tailoress Emmeline Tee in double gauze, plus another me made; Baby Boy, who celebrated his third birthday today.

Day 7
Grainline Scout tee in viscose with hacked pleat front.

Day 8
Grainline Scout tee in cotton voile, with hacked ruffle bum

Day 9
Named Inari dress in Cotton + Steel rayon

It seems I have some favourite patterns, and favourite pattern designers! These are all worn with regularity normally. So far, so good this month!
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