Sunday, 1 May 2016

2016 Sewing Budget: April

This month? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. :)

I know I said this wasn't going to be a fabric buying ban, and I have spent less than my budget every month so far, but I was still a bit disappointed by the fact that I haven't really managed to stick to my original rules, so I aimed to spend zero this month and I achieved it. It wasn't easy, I will be honest. So many new patterns, so many ideas. But I managed. I used thread and even buttons from my stash. OK, my output wasn't amazing, but still.

That's the end of my initial 3 month pledge, but I do plan to continue. I know next month will bring spending with it. I need want a dress for a wedding evening reception I'm going to in early June, and I have a few other ideas which will need a pattern or some thread or something. Plus Me Made May always equals a bit of panic sewing! But I managed one month. Maybe I'll manage another later this year? :)



  1. Good on you. It can lead to all kinds of creativity! In my case, just using my own stash would lead to me dressing in sequin and embroidered silks hehe

    1. So you are covered for everyday-wear, then? Hee hee!

  2. Good for you. I didn't buy any fabric this month,but before I polish my halo I spent over twenty pounds on patterns! Doh!

    1. Ah, well. It could have been worse. It could have been patterns AND fabrics! ☺️


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